Katelynn Hamm

Oh, the places you’ll go! My future plans are:
I am planning on attending Lindenwood University in the fall. I’ll be majoring in elementary education. I hope to travel abroad and teach in different countries after I graduate.
Go Gators! My favorite memory from high school is:
Homecoming week! The energy and student involvement feels amazing I love dressing up during spirit week and having fun with everyone around me! The excitement leading up to the big game and dance is crazy and its something I wish I could do again!
I would love to give a big thank you to:
I would like to thank Mr. Benedetto. He was someone I could always go to if I was having a bad day or just needed someone to talk to he was the one I knew I could always go to. He made me love coming to gym class everyday and I will miss seeing him everyday.
I would also like to thank Mrs. Torralba she has personally seen my growth through out all my years at CLS. Having a teacher everyday for four years you really create such a close relationship and she really inspired me everyday.
If I could go back in time, the advice I would give my freshman self is:
If I could go back to my freshman year I would tell myself to enjoy every second of it. High school goes by so fast one day your walking into freshman biology and the next your name is getting called to get your diploma. Its so crazy and you just have to enjoy every second of it!
Words of Wisdom:
One of the best tips I can give anyone is don’t take anything for granted. I think I can speak for a lot of people right now but I took so much of what high school is for granted. Like waking up early every morning and sitting in the pit with my friends or playing gym volleyball or soccer or basketball and messing around and dying of laughter is something I miss so much right now. All I can say is don’t take anything for granted cause it can all be taken away so fast and before you even realize it.
My Senior Will:
I, Katie Hamm, leave CLS cheer to the juniors to bring home a state qualifier next year.
How I continued my remote learning is:
I’ve tried to stay positive and keep up with my work and also talk with my teachers and try to make it as close to a normal school day as possible!