Sam Hoyer

Sam Hoyer

Oh, the places you’ll go! My future plans are…

Music Industry

My favorite memory from high school is…

Playing in the CLS marching band Sophomore year on the RADIO!

If I could go back in time, the advice I would give my freshman self is…

People don’t care/most people don’t care about what you’re doing. In the long run, doing what makes you happy is the best thing you can do. No one is holding a measuring tape to your chest or your thighs and ridiculing you for not being perfect. If you mess up,  mess up and keep learning. Many people are stuck in a childish mindset and truly know nothing of the real world, you don’t NEED to do what everyone else is doing. they say high school is supposed to be about finding yourself, but I think the truth of the matter is that high school is  not everything it sounds like. Past me, your life is going to change for the better, and its because its the best thing for YOU.

You’re signed to an acting and modeling agency. You know how to write songs. You dance until your feet hurt. You care less about what other people think. Do what is right for you.

I’d like to thank…

Thank you Mr. Foster. In one year you’ve become my favorite teacher, and for many reasons. Most of all is how safe I felt in your classroom, even on the hardest days for me. You went out of your way to help me and make sure the class and I understood the materials. I felt you genuinely cared for me as a person, with all my faults and passions too.

Words of Wisdom…

Get involved. It sounds insignificant, or something like you hear all the time, but it is the truth. Even if you don’t end up liking something, try. Try bad, give it a BAD shot so you can get the nerves out of the way and try for real. Don’t expect to be perfect or good at something on the first try, and keep reminding yourself of that. It doesn’t matter how long it takes your friends to get something done, learning isn’t a race. It’s a marathon.

What I’ll remember most about senior year…

Prom 🙂