Updates for the SAT

Updates for the SAT

Cal Schneider

The SAT, one test, one result, one number. Society puts pressure on this one number that supposedly decides whether you’re going to college or not. Everyone has their own opinions on The College Board, but they might be changing the SAT for the first time in a long while. With the pandemic, many colleges are making their applications test-optional since so many kids with the disadvantage of online learning don’t get the experience to take the SAT that previous years of kids have. Although, many people are saying that you are at a disadvantage if you don’t submit your SAT. There have also been rumors going around about the college board creating an online SAT. Although College Board has not confirmed it, there have been many leaks about how The College Board is working on making at least a practice online SAT so that high school students can get instant feedback on their scores. College Board has confirmed, however, that the optional SAT essay has been removed from the test. The only reason one may take the essay is if their school or college required it. Most California schools and other small colleges require the SAT essay. Because of the low demand for the essay, many students weren’t taking it; this won’t make much of a difference because now colleges can’t require the essay since it isn’t offered anymore. This will definitely take away a lot of stress from students who take the SAT since the score one may get is a large factor in your college application. Now just because they took away the essay doesn’t mean the SAT questions are going to change; keep studying and remember it’s just a number.

Source: https://pages.collegeboard.org/sat-covid-19-updates